Web engineering and design team

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The Web and design team at Canonical pride themselves on building things properly, not quickly. Always looking for creative ways to push the bounderies of the web.

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Latest from the web team — September 2013

by Inayaili de León Persson on 26 September 2013

We might have been quiet, but we have been busy! Here’s a quick overview of what the web team has been up to recently. In the past month we’ve worked on: New...


Wednesday App Clinic – Update

by Canonical on 26 September 2013

Over the last few weeks, we’ve enjoyed running 2 Wednesday App Clinics. Thanks to all those who sent us their apps and questions. It’s been a fantastic...


Wednesday App Design Clinic

by Canonical on 10 September 2013

Since Ubuntu touch was announced, its been fantastic to see the variety of apps you’ve been developing, from shopping lists to word games, to apps that aid...

Cloud and server

Join in UbuntuVoice: be the voice of millions of Ubuntu users

by Canonical on 10 September 2013

In past years, we have had many Ubuntu users getting involved in helping with our user research. Now we feel it’s time to form a user research network, which...


Music app: focus on the content

by Canonical on 20 August 2013

Music apps that allow users to switch between player and queue mode can be quite complex. Some challenges of music apps in general: Deep navigation through...

Cloud and server

Usability testing: how do we design effective tasks

by Canonical on 16 August 2013

Previously, Charline Poirier provided an excellent post about how to recruit representative participants for usability testing. To continue the story, we are...


Calendar App Visuals

by Canonical on 6 August 2013

Over the past few weeks we’ve been exploring visual directions for the calendar app. It’s a pretty exciting opportunity to create something fresh and at the...


Ubuntu Edge: Design process

by Canonical on 26 July 2013

Right… so where should we start? First post. Hello, my name is Chee, and I am an industrial designer. In this post I will share some materials, stories and...


Shorts visual exploration

by Canonical on 18 July 2013

Hey After all the work we have done on the Rituals app designs it was time to start exploring other core apps. I thought it would be good to share with you...


See your photos and illustrations in Ubuntu 13.10

by Canonical on 12 July 2013

Each cycle we get together as a community to select some fine default wallpapers for the new release of Ubuntu. Your pictures and illustrations could be in the 13.10!


Unlocking the phone

by Canonical on 2 July 2013

Edges are special to us. We use them for finding apps, tools and system services, so using the edges will be second nature to Ubuntu phone users. By using the...


Shorts: add, edit, share and adjust

by Canonical on 28 June 2013

In my previous blog post, we looked at the key screens for Shorts, the organic grid and the reading view. You can read about the list view behaviour in this...