Web engineering and design team

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The Web and design team at Canonical pride themselves on building things properly, not quickly. Always looking for creative ways to push the bounderies of the web.

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Sheets transition

by Canonical on 13 January 2014

We’ve recently been exploring how the share transitions should work when you’re previewing a photo in gallery mode. Our main goal is that there is a...


New year, new website: the new canonical.com

by Inayaili de León Persson on 9 January 2014

We’ve been talking about it for a while and we are now happy to reveal Canonical’s brand new website. The brief We thought that it was more than appropriate...


New year links

by Canonical on 6 January 2014

Happy new year! Here are a couple of links that have been flying around the London office since we returned. The Verge did a recap of their most influential...


Messaging interaction

by Canonical on 23 December 2013

We’ve currently been working on user interaction for sending and deleting multiple SMSs and we thought it would be nice to show you where we’re going with it....


Latest from the web team — December 2013

by Inayaili de León Persson on 19 December 2013

This month we’ve been working hard trying to wrap up as much as we can before the holidays and planning for 2014. In the last few weeks we’ve worked on:...


Stakeholder interviews as a research method

by Carla Berkers on 19 December 2013

I’d like to share my experience working on the project that has been my main focus over the past months: the redesign of canonical.com. Research methods As I...


The new Ubuntu icons

by Matthieu James on 18 December 2013

During last month’s vUDS we showcased the latest design explorations for the new Ubuntu icon theme. Here is a summary of what we presented. Our objectives...


App Design Clinic #6

by Canonical on 5 December 2013

We have been running the app design clinic every two weeks to answer any questions from community designers and developers on the apps they are working on!...


App Design Clinic #5

by Canonical on 3 December 2013

Over the last few months we have been running the App Design Clinic and we want to thank you for all your submissions, contribution and feedback! The Design...


vUDS November: Design Track sum up!

by Canonical on 2 December 2013

On 19-21 November we had our vUDS where we got to discuss and share with the community some of the design work we’ve been doing recently. Our topics ranged...


Latest from the web team — November 2013

by Inayaili de León Persson on 21 November 2013

Even though Ubuntu 13.10’s release is behind us, we always find ways to keep busy. Here are the highlights of the past four weeks. In the last few weeks we’ve...


Juju ice-cream icon design

by Matthieu James on 19 November 2013

Who doesn’t like ice-cream? Here in the design team we sure do! In the last few weeks we’ve been preparing a special Juju demo for the OpenStack Summit in...