Web engineering and design team

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The Web and design team at Canonical pride themselves on building things properly, not quickly. Always looking for creative ways to push the bounderies of the web.

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MWC 2014 – A strong design coherence in everything we do

by Tom Macfarlane on 13 March 2014

Last month at Mobile World Congress Ubuntu’s presence was stronger than ever. Our third year at MWC and we made some significant design changes to our stand....


New Apps header

by Canonical on 13 March 2014

The new apps header features max. 4 slots that can be arranged and combined in order to fulfil user needs in every screen. Header’s values We want to provide...


Ubuntu 14.04 LTS wallpaper

by Canonical on 10 March 2014

Hey For the last couple of weeks we’ve been working on the new Ubuntu Wallpaper. It is never easy trust me. The most difficult part was to work out the...


The very best edge of all

by Mark Shuttleworth on 8 March 2014

The bottom edge is the most natural one to use, and Ubuntu has given it to developers to make the most of. Some design guidance establishes a framework for...


Thanks for all your submissions!

by Canonical on 6 March 2014

The submissions process for Ubuntu 14.04 is now closed. If you’d like to look at the images head over to the Flickr Group. From here on a group of dedicated...


Loving the bottom edge

by Canonical on 6 March 2014

The bottom edge is the most pleasurable edge to use. Grab a phone, any phone, and slide your thumb up over the bottom edge, then back. Go on, do it a few...


Latest from the web team — February 2014

by Inayaili de León Persson on 27 February 2014

Time flies! February is mostly behind us now and hopefully spring won’t take too long to show up in London. In the last few weeks we’ve worked on: Ubuntu...


Ubuntu Resources — beta!

by Inayaili de León Persson on 27 February 2014

Today we’ve released a new version of Ubuntu Resources with some new functionality and design improvements, and we’ve now moved from alpha to beta! Feedback...


App Design Clinic #8

by Canonical on 12 February 2014

This week we dedicated the short clinic to sizing, and ensuring widgets and items are usable (touchable). We covered… The Ubuntu grid unit – for more...


A bit of summer in the middle of winter

by Canonical on 10 February 2014

In January when the winter weather was at its worst in London we packed our laptops, designs and prototypes and headed to Cape Town, South Africa for Client...


Latest from the web team — January 2014

by Inayaili de León Persson on 30 January 2014

We’re now well into 2014 and working on several exciting projects that will be released throughout the year. In the last few weeks we’ve worked on: Ubuntu...


App Design Clinic #7

by Canonical on 29 January 2014

This week in App Design Clinic #7 we reviewed 3 apps: SocketWorld (for finding and comparing plug types), Flashback (an entertainment app using Trackt) and...