Web engineering and design team
Discover the latest news and work from the web and design team
The Web and design team at Canonical pride themselves on building things properly, not quickly. Always looking for creative ways to push the bounderies of the web.
Latest design guides
by Canonical on 25 June 2013
It’s been a while since our last update to the app design guides so I thought it was about time I shared the latest additions to this growing resource. Screen...
Solving multiple calendar views
by Canonical on 21 June 2013
One of the key challenges with designing calendar applications is the number of ways you can display your time, whether it’s by year, month, week or day....
Motion Graphics Presentation for Ubuntu Mobile
by Canonical on 24 May 2013
This is a presentation of our ‘Paper’ Motion theme for Ubuntu Mobile. The theme is informed by the ‘paper’ graphic style of the mobile OS and we have sought...
Shorts, the RSS reader app
by Canonical on 16 May 2013
As you can see in the image above, I have spent some time looking at different types and contexts of reading, trying to understand what the reading experience...
System Settings for Ubuntu Phone
by Matthew Paul Thomas on 16 May 2013
The design process for System Settings on the phone involved a competitor evaluation, identifying user journeys, generating many possibilities for the...
Ubuntu.com update
by Alejandra Obregon on 13 May 2013
I’d like to give an update on upcoming plans for Ubuntu.com and to respond to recent concerns about the positioning of the community within the website....
Responding to orientation
by Canonical on 26 April 2013
We have just published a new chapter on our App Design Guides : how to handle orientation. To cater for the different orientations of a range of touch...
Designing in the open
by Canonical on 17 April 2013
On Tuesday 9th of April I gave a little talk at Mozilla’s “Designing in the Open” event. Along with the rest of the speakers I was asked to prepare a 10 – 15...
Spring cleaning ubuntu.com
by Inayaili de León Persson on 16 April 2013
Yesterday we’ve launched an updated version of ubuntu.com, which we hope will improve navigation throughout the site and provide visitors with a better...
Core utility apps visual exploration
by Canonical on 12 April 2013
Hi everyone, following our process post last week I’m excited to share the first round of visual exploration for three of our core utility apps; clock,...
Phone and tablet
The design vision for Ubuntu
by Canonical on 11 April 2013
An interview with Marcus Haslam, head of brand and visual design at Canonical.