Web engineering and design team
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The Web and design team at Canonical pride themselves on building things properly, not quickly. Always looking for creative ways to push the bounderies of the web.
Design Is a Job
by Inayaili de León Persson on 20 July 2012
In the past few weeks I’ve been trying to catch up with all the reading that I haven’t been doing in the past few months. One of the books in my to-read pile...
Ubuntu Developer Summit: Design Theatre
by Canonical on 7 May 2012
Normally the Ubuntu/Canonical Design Team are busy working on our own projects, but it makes a really good change to work on other Free Software design...
Watch out for Ubuntu! The E-Pebble smartwatch
by Canonical on 19 April 2012
In the year 2000 IBM showed off the WatchPad, a computer on your wrist, but one perhaps ahead of its time and still needing a little bit of design-love. Of...
Berlin: Typobau: Ubuntu Arabic Ausstellung/Exhibition
by Canonical on 19 April 2012
Some of original sketches for Ubuntu Arabic are about to go on display in Berlin! We’ve talked before about the work done by Rayan Abdullah on drawing and...
System status menu refinements in Ubuntu 12.10
by Matthew Paul Thomas on 13 April 2012
For Ubuntu 12.04, we’re planning to merge the user and system menus, make major changes to the messaging menu, introduce a new sync menu, and retire the...
Holistic UI is smarter UX
by Mark Shuttleworth on 27 March 2012
It’s only by looking at the whole, that we can design great experiences. And only by building a community of both system and application developers that care...
The Pangolin wallpaper selection takes flight
by Canonical on 23 March 2012
For another cycle a selection of images has been put forward for inclusion in Ubuntu. As there have been some questions on other blogs about the process I...
Task switching in Ubuntu, and a introduction to ‘The Spread’
by Canonical on 16 March 2012
Introduction to task switching A key part of any operating system user interface is how it enables the user to switch between multiple tasks. In most desktop...
Choosing, moving, wallpapers
by Canonical on 6 March 2012
All the way back in January we kicked off the submissions process for the next released of Ubuntu. We did this using Flickr and since then the group has been...
Notes from the Mobile World Congress 2012
by Canonical on 5 March 2012
Ubuntu and Canonical had a very strong presence at this year’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. The main attraction was our Ubuntu for Android prototype...
About Usability Testing – Recruiting
by Canonical on 2 March 2012
Every three months, I conduct benchmark usability testing. I’m calling these tests ‘benchmark testing’ because the aim of these sessions is to measure our...
Testing, testing, testing. It prints!
by Canonical on 2 March 2012
Back in 2008 Nick Ellery noticed that the default printer test page used more ink that it really needed to: Bug #298935 (“test print uses far too much ink”)....