Web engineering and design team

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The Web and design team at Canonical pride themselves on building things properly, not quickly. Always looking for creative ways to push the bounderies of the web.

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Converting old guidelines to vanilla

by Richard McCartney on 24 July 2015

How the previous guidelines worked Guidelines essentially is a framework built by the Canonical web design team. The whole framework has an array of tools to...


The monochromatic makeover

by Canonical on 16 July 2015

We have given our monochromatic icons a small facelift to make them more elegant, lighter and consistent across the platform by incorporating our Suru...


Introducing Vanilla

by Anthony Dillon on 22 June 2015

Why we needed a new framework Some time ago the web team at Canonical developed a CSS framework we called ‘Guidelines’. Guidelines helped us to maintain our...


The Grid System in detail

by Pierre Bertet on 16 June 2015

Following the article “To converge onto mobile, tablet, and desktop, think Grid Units”, here is a technical description of the way the Grid System behave. We...


SDK Convergence Sprint 2015

by Canonical on 12 June 2015

Last week the SDK team gathered in London for a sprint that focused on convergence, which consisted of pulling apart each component and discussing ways in...


To converge onto mobile, tablet, and desktop, think Grid Units

by Canonical on 23 May 2015

In the converged world of Unity-8, applications will work on small mobile screens, tablets and desktop monitors (with a mouse and keyboard attached) as


A seachange in front-end best practice (but not for a while)

by Robin Winslow on 11 March 2015

Despite some reservations, it looks like HTTP/2 is very definitely the future of the Internet. Speed improvements HTTP/2 may not be the perfect standard, but...


Ubuntu Music App behind the scenes

by Canonical on 6 March 2015

Ubuntu community devs Andrew Hayzen and Victor Thompson chat with lead designer Jouni Helminen. Andrew and Victor have been working in open source projects...


Auto-syncing revision history from Github to Launchpad

by Robin Winslow on 28 January 2015

In the design team we keep some projects in Launchpad (as canonical-webmonkeys), and some project in Github (as UbuntuDesign), meaning we work in both Bazaar...


Converting projects between Git and Bazaar

by Robin Winslow on 27 January 2015

Here in the design team we use both Bazaar and Git to keep track our projects’ hostory. We quite often end up coverting our projects from Bazaar to Git or...


Community interview: Victor Thompson and Andrew Hayzen

by Canonical on 13 November 2014

Victor and Andrew are two inspiring Community developers that have devoted their spare time to contribute to the Ubuntu Touch Music App team. I sat down with...


Community interview: Riccardo Padovani and Filippo Scognamiglio

by Canonical on 4 November 2014

We sat down with some of Ubuntu’s unsung Community heroes at the recent Devices Sprint in Washington D.C. Riccardo and Filippo are two young and passionate...