Web engineering and design team
Discover the latest news and work from the web and design team
The Web and design team at Canonical pride themselves on building things properly, not quickly. Always looking for creative ways to push the bounderies of the web.
Juju GUI 2.0
by Luca Paulina on 28 June 2016
Juju is a cloud orchestration tool which enables users to build models to run applications. You can just as easily use it to deploy a simple WordPress blog or...
Design in the open
by Luca Paulina on 28 June 2016
As the Juju design team grew it was important to review our working process and to see if we could improve it to create a more agile working environment. The...
New starter Davide (Project Manager) – “A working team is very precious”
by Canonical on 27 June 2016
Meet the newest member of the Design Team, project manager Davide Casa. He will be working with the Platform Team to keep us all in check and working towards...
App Design Clinic – OwnCloud App #9
by Canonical on 27 June 2016
The Ubuntu App Design Clinic is back! This month members of the Design Team James Mulholland (UX Designer), Jouni Helminen (Visual Designer) and Andrea...
QtDay 2016: Developing Ubuntu convergent apps with Qt
by Andrea Bernabei on 17 June 2016
QtDay is the only Italian event dedicated to Qt. It is held yearly by Develer and brings together company products that are developed using Qt, as well as Qt...
The App Design Clinics are back!
by James Mulholland on 14 June 2016
We’re very happy to announce the return of the Ubuntu App Design Clinics. The first session is planned for 4.00PM BST on Friday the 17th of June, with...
May’s reading list
by Inayaili de León Persson on 1 June 2016
Here are the best links shared by the design team over the last month: MyData 2016 Conference Next-level collaboration: the future of content and design...
Edge education
by Grazina Borosko on 24 May 2016
Last year we were working on OOBE redesign with the aim to improve first user experience with Ubuntu phone. Now the Design Team is working on the second part...
Cloud and server
Autopilot: benefits of early release
by Carla Berkers on 24 May 2016
OpenStack is the leading open cloud platform, and Ubuntu is the world’s most popular operating system for OpenStack. Over the
Colour palette updates
by Rae Shambrook on 20 May 2016
Over the past few months, we’ve given you a peek into our evolving Suru design language with our wallpaper, convergence and Clock App blog posts. Suru is...
App design guide to go live (bit by bit)
by Canonical on 11 May 2016
In the coming months we will be rolling out the new app design guidelines, which will give you the latest toolkit best practices and patterns so you can make...
How we introduced Scrum to the Web Team
by Magdalena Mirowicz on 6 May 2016
At the beginning of the year our team – who look after the core websites in the Ubuntu ecosystem – decided to adjust our project delivery process and go...