Web engineering and design team

Discover the latest news and work from the web and design team

The Web and design team at Canonical pride themselves on building things properly, not quickly. Always looking for creative ways to push the bounderies of the web.

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Cloud and server
Cloud and server

Design and Web team summary – 27 March 2018

by Anthony Dillon on 27 March 2018

The design and web team work on a wide array of projects throughout Canonical. Therefore, we are split into seven squads to handle different aspects of the...

Cloud and server

Introducing the new Snapcraft branding

by Marcus Haslam on 26 March 2018

Early developments of the the Snapcraft brand mark If you’re a regular visitor to Snapcraft.io or any of its associated sites, you will have noticed a change...

Cloud and server

Accessing the Juju CLI from within the GUI

by Madison Scott-Clary (Makyo) on 3 January 2018

In the Juju GUI 2.11.1 release, we are excited to bring a new feature we’ve been working on for a while now: the shell in the GUI. The GUI is a powerful tool,...


Designing product page templates for ubuntu.com

by Francesca Granato on 10 October 2017

During our user testing sessions on ubuntu.com, we often receive feedback from users about content on the site (“I can’t find this”, “I’d like more of that”...


Command-line usability: A terminal user’s thought process

by Robin Winslow on 8 September 2017

I’ve been thinking about the usability of command-line terminals a lot recently. Command-line interfaces remain mystifying to many people. Usability hobbyists...


Webteam development summary

by Anthony Dillon on 6 September 2017

Iteration 6 dating between 14th to the 25th of August This iteration saw a lot of work on tutorials.ubuntu.com and on the migration of design.ubuntu.com from...


Cookie notification component

by Anthony Dillon on 22 August 2017

We’ve all seen the annoying cookie notification which website owners are legally obliged to include on their sites. We can’t avoid them, so let’s have some...


Vanilla Framework has a new website

by Inayaili de León Persson on 14 August 2017

We’re happy to announce the long overdue Vanilla Framework website, where you can find all the relevant links and resources needed to start using Vanilla.  ...


Simplifying local development: The ./run executable

by Robin Winslow on 5 July 2017

Canonical’s webteam manage over 18 websites as well as many supporting projects and frameworks. These projects are built with any combination of Python, Ruby,...


Designing build.snapcraft.io

by Matthew Paul Thomas on 3 July 2017

Many open-source software developers use GitHub. Let’s make it as easy as possible for them to build and release their code automatically.