Canonical announcements
68% of businesses are struggling to hire talent for IoT
by Canonical on 9 August 2017
Research from Canonical shows businesses are battling with drought in the “Internet of Talent” pool London, 9th August 2017 – Businesses are struggling to...
Internet of Things
Robot development made easy with Husarion CORE2-ROS & Ubuntu – part 2
by Guest on 20 July 2017
This is the second post in a series of two by guest bloggers from Husarion; Domink Nowak and Michal Zieliński. The first blog can be read here. This blog...
Canonical announcements
Achieving ROI trumps security as the IoT industry’s biggest challenge
by Canonical on 19 July 2017
While security concerns continue to grab headlines, business benefits and ROI are the top-ranked challenges for IoT professionals today London, 19 July 2017 –...
Internet of Things
Robot development made easy with Husarion CORE2-ROS running Ubuntu
by Guest on 12 July 2017
This is the first in a series of two posts by guest blogger; Dominik Nowak, CEO at Husarion. We’ve seen many breakthroughs happening in the IT industry over...
Internet of Things
TechnoSec and Ubuntu Core help DE.OL transition to a smart factory
by Sarah Dickinson on 12 July 2017
The industrial internet of things market (IIoT) is estimated to reach US$ 195.47bn by 2022 according to Markets and Markets. A number of companies in this...
Internet of Things
AZLOGICA use Ubuntu Core for customised IoT agricultural solutions
by Sarah Dickinson on 3 July 2017
Shrimps are now considered as the most lucrative seafood product with demand growing from consumers due to their high nutritional value. This is reflected in...
Internet of Things
How Ubuntu helped InnovaPOS revolutionise the vending machine industry
by Sarah Dickinson on 3 July 2017
The smart vending machines market is on the rise with estimates of 2.7 million to be sold by 2020 with Asia Pacific predicted to be the fastest growing region...
Canonical announcements
Canonical supports Ubuntu Core on the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3
by Canonical on 27 June 2017
London UK, 27th June 2017: Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, today announces that its IoT OS, Ubuntu Core, is available on the Raspberry Pi Compute Module...
Internet of Things
Amazon Greengrass launches as a snap on Ubuntu
by Canonical on 13 June 2017
Last week, Amazon launched Greengrass, their new IoT platform allowing developers to create intelligent edge software. Amazon is collaborating with a variety...
Internet of Things
The Turtlebot 3 has launched
by Kyle Fazzari on 31 May 2017
If you’re familiar with ROS (Robot Operating System), chances are you’re also familiar with the Turtlebot. The first version of the Turtlebot was created back...
Internet of Things
Ubuntu ranked as 2nd most used IoT OS by Eclipse Foundation survey
by Sarah Dickinson on 17 May 2017
Last week we posted a blog on programming languages following the Eclipse Foundation 2017 IoT survey results. This week we look at the findings from a...
Internet of Things
Why language choices can be irrelevant when choosing the right IoT OS
by Sarah Dickinson on 10 May 2017
This is the first in a series of two blogs exploring the finding from the latest Eclipse Foundation IoT Developer Survey. A couple of months ago we posted a...