
Cloud and server

Ubuntu and HP’s Moonshot extend the benefit of the ARM architecture to the data centre

by John Zannos on 30 September 2014

Hyperscale, scale out and cloud computing are the hot topics in the server space today. Driven by increasing Internet traffic, massive amounts of data and...

Cloud and server
Cloud and server

Ubuntu now available on VMware vCloud Air

by Canonical on 21 August 2014

London 21st August 2014: VMware, Inc., and Canonical today announced that certified Ubuntu LTS images are available on VMware vCloud® Air™, an...

Cloud and server

Cisco Systems Releases UCS Big Data CVD Based on Ubuntu OpenStack

by John Dolen on 14 August 2014

Ubuntu OpenStack continues to be the “go to” platform for enterprise scale out solutions, as Cisco releases its latest CVD (Cisco Validated Design), Hadoop as...

Cloud and server


by Canonical on 12 August 2014

Our OpenStack Interoperability Lab (OIL) programme is currently testing and validating over 3,000 hardware and software configurations per month. We’re adding...

Cloud and server

The hybrid cloud would prefer you leave your interop inhibitions at the door

by Mark Baker on 6 August 2014

How will cloud adoption progress? If the results of this year’s Future of Cloud Computing Report from North Bridge are any indication, the answer is rapidly,...

Cloud and server

Voting begins for OpenStack Summit sessions in Paris

by Mark Baker on 31 July 2014

Voting is now open for sessions to be run at the OpenStack ‘Kilo’ Summit in Paris in November. There have been hundreds of talk submissions, evidence if ever...

Cloud and server

Enterprise standards = prisoners of the mind?

by Mark Baker on 22 July 2014

Over the last few weeks we’ve found ourselves in several prospective customer meetings discussing the suitability of OpenStack for enterprise use in...

Cloud and server

Canonical welcomes Brightbox to its Certified Public Cloud Programme as first European partner

by Canonical on 16 July 2014

Launching applications and workloads in the cloud should be a seamless experience – this is the aim of our Certified Public Cloud programme. So we are very...

Cloud and server

Canonical announces expanded Ubuntu support for the Cavium workload

by Canonical on 3 June 2014

Optimisation for deployment and provisioning cloud based workloads at scale London and Computex TAIPEI, Taiwan, June 3, 2014 – Canonical today announced...


OpenStack Summit Hong Kong 2013: Interoperability and collaboration for a stronger OpenStack

by Mark Baker on 15 November 2013

To paraphrase from Mark Shuttleworth’s keynote at the OpenStack Developer Summit last week in Hong Kong, building clouds is no longer exciting. It’s easy....


Launching new Telco services daily – TADS Summit 2013

by Mark Baker on 30 September 2013

The telco business has long prided itself on providing dependable services all day every day. Today, dial tones generally survive earthquakes, hurricanes,...