Cloud and server
Introducing Anand Krishnan
by Jane Silber on 13 July 2015
Canonical’s cloud business continues to grow at great speed. Driven by the adoption of Ubuntu as the preferred operating system at both the infrastructure and...
Cloud and server
Cloud and server
Cloud and server
World’s first 25/100 gigabit open ethernet-based switch launches
by Canonical on 18 June 2015
Canonical is delighted to support the launch of the world’s first 25/100 Gigabit open Ethernet-based switch, being introduced to the market today by Mellanox®...
Cloud and server
Deploying OpenStack from source to scalable multi-node environments
by Corey Bryant on 17 June 2015
The Juju OpenStack charms now have support for deploying OpenStack from source! This means that you can point the charms at the OpenStack git...
Cloud and server
Cloud and server
Cloud and server
Cisco and Canonical Collaborate on Policy-Based OpenStack Clouds
by Canonical on 3 June 2015
Canonical is pleased that Cisco, developer of the Application Centric Infrastructure is joining the Ubuntu Cloud OpenStack Interoperability Lab (OIL). Cisco...
Cloud and server
StackVelocity and Canonical team up to deliver cloud economics
by Canonical on 21 May 2015
StackVelocity Financial Services deliver Ubuntu OpenStack clouds that align costs to revenue StackVelocity® has teamed up with Canonical to launch a suite of...