Cloud and server
Get 50% off Linux Foundation training and certification
by Jorge O. Castro on 15 December 2016
It’s been a great year for Ubuntu. More and more cloud users are turning to Ubuntu for their needs on public clouds. On the private cloud side you can find us...
Cloud and server
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Security: A Comprehensive Overview
by Dustin Kirkland on 8 December 2016
From Linux kernel livepatches to encryption to ASLR to compiler optimizations and configuration hardening, we strive to ensure that Ubuntu 16.04 LTS is the...
Cloud and server
Cloud Chatter: November 2016
by James Donner on 2 December 2016
Welcome to our November edition. We begin with details on our latest partnership with Docker. Next up, we bring you a co-hosted webinar with PLUMgrid...
Canonical announcements
Microsoft loves Linux. SQL Server Public Preview available on Ubuntu
by Canonical on 16 November 2016
Microsoft has just announced its public preview of the next release of SQL Server, and Canonical is delighted to announce that this preview is available for...
Canonical announcements
Canonical releases Ubuntu 16.10
by Canonical on 13 October 2016
Ubuntu 16.10 released with Hybrid Cloud Operations and Unity 8 developer preview, from Canonical MAAS 2.0 delivers robust, highly-available IPAM and...
Canonical announcements
Carleton University creates Research Cloud with Ubuntu OpenStack, IBM
by Canonical on 12 October 2016
Carleton University Creates Campus Research Cloud with Ubuntu OpenStack running on IBM Power Systems Carleton Research Cloud offers rapid, self-service POWER...
Canonical announcements
Canonical expands enterprise container portfolio
by Canonical on 27 September 2016
Canonical Expands Enterprise Container Portfolio with Commercially Supported Distribution of Kubernetes Canonical’s distribution of Kubernetes is supported,...
Canonical announcements
Ubuntu OpenStack is available today on all IBM servers
by Canonical on 19 September 2016
IBM and Canonical expand Hybrid Cloud Alliance as Ubuntu OpenStack is available today on all IBM servers Ubuntu OpenStack support included with Canonical’s...
Canonical announcements
Big data gets super-fast with Ubuntu on Bigstep Metal Cloud
by Canonical on 14 September 2016
Bigstep gains Ubuntu Public Cloud certification Ubuntu Server images are optimized for performance, security, dependability on Bigstep Metal Cloud, with...
Canonical announcements
Canonical certifies big software solutions at Facebook’s new lab
by Canonical on 30 August 2016
Written by David Duffey, Director of Technical Partnerships for Canonical’s cloud division Today at the OCP Technology Day, Facebook announced the grand...
Canonical announcements
25 years on and Linux is still going strong
by Jane Silber on 25 August 2016
I embarked on the Linux journey in 2004 when I joined the newly founded Canonical and its not-yet-named Ubuntu team. I knew there was incredible opportunity...
Canonical announcements
QTS and Canonical unveil private, fully managed OpenStack cloud
by Canonical on 22 August 2016
OVERLAND PARK, KANSAS, and LONDON, U.K. (August 22, 2016) – Responding to increasing demand for flexible, open source and cost-predictable cloud solutions,...