An nova-compute-lxd update
on 26 October 2015
For the past couple of months, we have been working hard on adding new features to nova-compute-lxd (nclxd). The new features that have been added go beyond starting and stopping containers, to make it more useful for day to day use. An example is container migration:
The above video shows a container migrating between two nova-compute nodes. This feature is still very alpha, and the was deployed via the juju charm that we have. The environment is the following:
- nova-compute-lxd 0.18
- Ubuntu Wily Werewolf (15.10)
- OpenStack Liberty
- LXD 0.20
In the coming days I will be posting more content on how you can get yourself running nclxd with OpenStack.
About the author

Chuck Short is a software engineer at Canonical. Originally from Vancouver but based in Ottawa, Chuck’s mission is to make sure OpenStack is a first class experience for both the X86 world and ARM world. You can follow his blog at
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